class Pool(T)


A simple thread-safe generic pool.

A pool can be used to store resources that are expensive to create (like connections). See here) for more explanations.

require "pool"

pool = { }
pool.get do |resource|
  # do something

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Int = 0, &block : -> T) #

Creates a new Pool.

require "pool" { }

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Instance Method Detail

def add(resource : T) : Nil #

Adds a resource.

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def get : T #

Gets a resource.

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def get(& : T -> ) : Nil #

Gets an resource, yields, then adds it back.

Note that if an exception was raised in the block, the resource won't be added back. This behavior is used to prevent adding an invalid resource, for example a connection causing an IO error.

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def idle_size : Int32 #

Returns the pool's idle size.

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def resize(new_size : Int32, & : T -> ) : Nil #

Resizes the pool to match the new #total_size, and yields each deleted resource on size shrinking.

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def resize(new_size : Int32) : Nil #

Resizes the pool to match the new size

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def total_size : Int32 #

Returns the pool's total size.

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def used_size : Int32 #

Returns the pool's used resources size.

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